
Taste of the West Silver Award

We were delighted to be awarded a Silver medal for Harry’s Dabinett Cider at this year’s Taste of the West Awards.

It was the first time we’ve entered and we got some really positive feedback from the judges who described it as “A great, ‘thick’ cider taste which is wonderfully ‘appley’! It is full bodied with good tannins but a sweetness that balances this out.”

Other comments from the judges included “nice clear, clean labelling”, “a lovely colour” and “very nice spiciness coming from the Dabinett”.

For those who haven’t tried it yet, Harry’s Dabinett is a medium cider made from a classic Somerset apple that is fermented and then back-sweetened with juice from the same fruit. It’s only 4.5% ABV so is a delightful fruity and refreshing cider – now with the added endorsement of a Taste of the West Award!

To see where you can buy our delicious cider click here > [here]

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