After a welcomed rest over the festive period, the Harry’s team were straight back to work preparing for their annual Wassail that took place at Littlefield Farm, Sunday 15th January.
The name derives from anglo saxon ‘waes hael’, a traditional middle English greeting meaning ‘be in good health’. The ceremony survived in the apple growing counties of South West England and is hosted to ensure a good crop for the following year. The ceremony includes dancng and singing to the trees which is part of waking up the trees from their winter slumber and drives away any evil spirits. Due to many orchards being situated in very rural places it allows small communities to gather together on what according to academics is one of the most depressing times of year (the third Monday of January). However, the wassail makes a brilliant gesture to these statistics and gets people together for one of the best parties of the year.
With nearly 100 guests at this years event it was definitely one to remember. All of the guests were treated to Harry’s delicious mulled cider and the Langport Mummers performed their play which raised a total of £71.45. All of the Harry’s team would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came.